Having escaped for a while to the sunny sands of Barbados, it’s time to put on my snow boots and get out to some shows.
This month I’m super excited to say I’ll be guesting on the Just Us League guys’ new show Improvengers! Gary and Jav have been two of my favourite improvisers for years so I’m really looking forward to these shows, even if I don’t know much about the Avengers…
I’m also happy to announce that I will be performing in a new project from The Nursery called “Boxed In”. Directed by the wonderful Jennifer Juniper, this show uses cardboard boxes to inspire scenes, characters and puppets. It’s a lovely cast and rehearsals are already off to a great start.
While that is taking up quite a bit of my time, I will still be performing monthly with Glitch – The Improvised Puppet Show and looking for solo gigs – so if you know of any please get in touch! Time to get on those Ed Fringe applications…
Please eep an eye of facebook and twitter for ticket links nearer the time.
Keep warm!
