I started performing Improv comedy in 2008 when I joined St Andrews University's Blind Mirth. With them we performed weekly (short and long-form) as well as three, sold-out, five-star runs at the Edinburgh Fringe.
Since moving to London in 2014, Charlie has become a regular on the improv circuit, performing and guesting frequently at Hoopla, the Nursery, the FA and with shows such as Questing Time. For many years she was a member of Glitch - The Improvised Puppet Show as well as two-prov Mike & Charlie.
I am currently writing a book called Improv Rules and How to Break Them and teaching an experimental advanced improv course to aid my research. I also regularly teach for Hoopla Impro and coach short and long form improv teams.
For information about my improv for business and wellbeing courses and workshops, please go to